For my concept, I wanted it to be about the struggle to make decisions. When things become super serious a lot of the time I want to go back to when I was young and use a coin toss or rock paper scissors. I used the penguin as the model because it feels nostalgic and I made the rock and the scissors out paper and I used a wire to attach them to the penguins head.
In photoshop, I removed the wire so that it wasn’t distracting. I added cropped pictures of an origami butterfly I made out of a dollar bill. I used repetition hoping it would provide a border to the photo. The reason I used a dollar is because I feel like money makes a lot of stressful big decisions. I scaled the penguin to be larger than he was in my original picture to balance the photo better. For color, I tried to make them more vibrant so that they could contrast on the white but I am still getting used to using photoshop and messing with filters.

